Hi blogger. Class chalet was not bad:) Though there are lesser people attend. Not as wild as last year. But still it's ok la. Reached there at 7+. Did nothing much... Just walking in and out of the chalet. Eat... Snap pic... Movie at mid night! Watched karate kid! If you like IP MAN 2 you might also like karate kid:):):) I love both. I got to watch for free:) But have to pay for the pop corn and drinks:) After movie actually intended to head to some scary place for a walk but I didn't because my parents came to pick me up(fucking upset). Walk back to the chalet with one of my ex-classmate. Saw Felicia there:):):) SO FUCKING LONG DIDN'T SEE HER. We didn't even start a topic to talk, I got to go... I cried so badly. Slept at 6. Today my eyes look so puffy. Tonight must do something to it!!! Argue with my dad yesterday in the afternoon once, mommy keep covering my mouth. At night AGAIN. I have not even greet him today... Today afternoon argue with silly. WHAT THE FUCK. Tomorrow who wanna find fault with me??? Hope tomorrow can go out! Grr. Bye:)
[I tried so hard to keep this love alive...]

^He paid for my movie ticket!^

^3N2 girls:) They mistaken yesterday as national day! What a joke.^

^My "son" hide my phone in his pocket^

^We both look fat and short here. Yes we are. But she's taller.^

On progress of making "I LOVE LI MIN"
Pictures with poor quality!
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