Tuesday. 3rd month with silly(I love you so fucking much even though I get fucking piss with you soemtimes...)
Stress with tuition work. I even told the book this:'"don't be a idiot la".
Friday... Sushi tei for lunch. Spend 50$ on cotton on again:) Laugh a lot with daddy at vivo. He almost got me a personal lappy but I don't want because I don't think I need one. Mommy at first keep scolding me for pulling them in to Daiso because we don't need anything there then later when daddy told her everything is only 2$... She bought 7 things. Certain things we already had it, she still buy. And say AIYA TWO DOLLARS ONLY. Then daddy and I keep on laughing. I swear daddy knows me well. He told me this suddenly... I know where you wanna go next... MINI TOONS! I replied back happily
YAYAYA! He knows I love cute cute soft toys. He knows I can spend an hour there. He knows I won't buy I'm just taking a look. He knows me so so so well. Lastly he knows I love him:):):)
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