Hi blogger. I don't know how to describe my feelings now!!!!!! I am feeling happy but at the same time feeling kinda stress! Grr. My birthday is coming!!!! Happy happy! Hehe! Yesterday love(Felicia) didn't attend school! What the fuck. Loner. Lucky got HY talk cock with me. Haha! Every time when she talk cock, me and love(Felicia) will keep hold back our laughter! Behind her back, we laugh out loud. I know I'm bad. But what she talking really make no sense la! She really thinks I'm a 3 year old kiddo. Gosh. Ignore her for now. Met my precious baby yesterday! MISS HIM SO MUCH! Him, me and K went whitesand for lunch and at the same time waiting for C;) K understands C very well! K thinks that C will either say she's hungry or she wants to smoke for her first sentence and C really did say one of it! Haha! While waiting for C, got bite by quite a number of stupid mosquito! But baby say cannot scratch! No choice must tolerate. Went home at 8. Felt so uncomfortable. I think yesterday was my first time out with school uni for so long! And yay tomorrow get the see baby again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So fucking happy!!!!!!!!!!! The thought of it makes my heart jump faster! Hehe I love Algin Ng muchie:-* Nights gotta call him now!
[If I ain't got you, baby...]

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