One thing I got to say about you is, AWESOME. Yes I am sure you are. And not only I think so? I think a lot of others think so too. I hope you don't forget me whenever you know someone new. You know I'll get jealous and I am easily jealous! So every step you taking, I'm watching. You better don't do things that disappoint me k! Because I had you only as my best girlfriend. No one understands me like you do, no one know my silly acts like you do too. I love making myself a joke to you because I love seeing you smile. Your smile brighten my day, hehe:)(Sounds like Imma les) Smile more ok! I hate seeing you being upset over small things like r/s problem or whatever other problem. Life is full of ups and downs, that's why life suck. But I just want you to know that I will definitely always be there for you no matter what, I swear. I know you already found a right partner that you trust/love the most and will also share your problems with. I think there is no harm having another right? I also know you got a lot more other girlfriends to pay attention on. BUT I JUST WANT THE MOST ATTENTION! I am not sure if you trust me, but I trust you. I will never hide things from you unless I got no choice. Whatever I had in mind that I'm unhappy with it, I usually choose to voice out to you. I got no one I really trust to turn up to but you. I have to say this 2 years getting to know you was fantastic. You bring joy to me. All your foolish acts just make me want to laugh every single time. I really can't find any words to describe you. No such words can describe how important you are to me! Grr, you got me so addicted to you!!! I miss you though I see you almost everyday and we just met 2 hours ago! I hope you see this and write back something nice uh! If not I take it as you don't love me. But it's impossible because YOU LOVE ME. Hehe! HAPPY 24TH MONTH, I LOVE YOU TO THE MAX. I'm greedy, kindly love me more than HIM(WJ). Please la how long you know him?! Cannot compare man. Muacks!!! And stop blogging about how special he is to you, START BLOGGING ABOUT HOW PRECIOUS AM I TO YOU, NOW ONCE YOU SAW THIS.
To: Felicia Lee Jing Tian ^
[You're such a bitch. Yes you. I think you are just doing certain things on purpose which I don't give a fuck damn about it but I have to because you just keep appearing. And your boyfriend better shut his mouth. I have heard things that really pissed me off. All thanks to your's. I know I can't mind about this but you are TOO irritating walking past for like countless time. Wonder is there gold in the toilet. Bring your own mirror la. Budget.](If you feel that it is you then it is you, I didn't list down names so you can't comfirm anything) Upload pictures soooooooooooooooon:) Aww, endless of work to do!!! Night:) 130108-1301__ It just keep carry on!
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