Hi. Today I was almost late for school, but manage to make it at last. All thanks to the people ahead me started running, if not think I won't bother running too. First period was PE. Torturing. Mr OY make us run 4 rounds and each round must do don't know how many push ups & sit ups! Grr. The rest of the periods was ok. None of it make me wanna fall asleep:) NO AM AND MA TODAY! HEHE, SHE CAN'T PICK ON ME~~~:-p After school home straight. As I still have tuition at 2pm! No time to rest! And because I got not much time, I have take 2-3 bites and force it down my throat! KILLER KILLER! I can't even cope with MA, so tell me how am I gonna cope with AM?! Think when I'm having tuiton, I'm actually half-asleep. I just do my work blindly. My tuitor can't even stand! BUT WHAT CAN I DO HUH? I'M A SLOW LEARNER WHAT. YES I KNOW I'M SLOW IN EVERYTHING. Everyone thinks so too. I know. So after tuition I get myself prepare and head to great world for dinner:) Two thumps up! One word, delicious. I gotta go now, so fucking tired. Tomorrow: Paragon. 11am. Dental Studio. Maybe meeting Joe? I don't knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Night guys!
[I don't know what am I thinking. Sick. And you. Shut the fuck up.]

Oh and by the way, HAPPY 1 YEAR 11 MONTHS! Real fast. Hitting 2 years soon! To: Janan.
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