Oh my god! It's 7pm now and my hun is still sleeping like a log! This week silly have been very naughty! He make me wait a lot. He sleep like forever!!! Stupid idiot! I hope my silly wake up soon please:( I miss him fucking badly. Grr. And I bet most of the students is worrying about their holiday homework!!! Deadline: tomorrow! Right right right? Since you guys don't even bother doing earlier, why bother worrying now? Too much homework and no time is just a common excuse. I think I'll just copy all tomorrow or maybe do some later? Shall see, hehe:-p Update again with pics later:):):)
[Hun, don't do this to me!]
I am feeling very upset now. Over my hun. I don't think he know unless he read this. But when will he read this? I think by then I have already forget about this. It's good that I forget things quickly. Because if I don't, when can I not be upset? Life suck. I know I always say that. The only time I don't is when I am happy. But it's the fact that some times relationship=problem. When you have someone you loved deeply and you feel that he don't love you the same. You 100% will be moody. And the next thing you do was you vent your anger on him. He might not even bother and worst he gets angry at you. Guys always win in a love match. NO MATTER WHAT. So a reminder to all girls out there not to love someone too deep knowing he's not going to do so. But I can't. I ALWAYS go crazy over my hun. Without him I can't carry on with a lot of things! And just today in the afternoon I answer this question. Will my love life affect my studies? I was given 5 choice. Never. Frequently. Sometimes. Always. I forget the last choice. I pick NEVER. Now I am thinking, how could can it possibly be NEVER? It does affect! Because I'm upset I don't feel like doing my homework and because of my hun I am upset. So it is affecting!!! My hun did nothing wrong. But I don't know why am I upset? Is not I don't care, I CARE TOO MUCH. Mommy just asked me if I am ok, I know I am not good at lying. She said because of him? I shook my head. She continue to ask... I am never upset about other things. I am not trying to prove this relationship is giving me problem. Because I am happy to have my hun. He do brings me joy. Though is lesser than he getting my eyes wet. I do not want to ask for much or expect too much. NOW MY HEART IS BREAKING!!!!!!! Hais... Blogger won't allow me to upload any pics! I think blogger sense I am upset and is upset too? Hehe":)" And lastly, I love my hun to the maxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
[Next time round I won't show if I'm sad, I will act like I'm happy. And let me myself be hurt alone:)]