Loads of test coming up! Can't complete English test today. Doing way to slow... Can't blame, I am seriously so tired. Tomorrow teacher gonna give us 12 minutes to complete it up, hope I do so. Thought today got Physics test but it was Friday! Mess it up with Chemistry test which was today! Copied Sebastian's answer, except for the MCQs I try it on my own. Think a lot people cheat too! Relieve teacher what right so no one really care! Just wanna quickly get it done. Really need to buck up, family members praise my brother and my other cousins but not me YET. Because they gonna praise me soon, hehe! I must prove to them I will receive money this year! They all got their's but where is mine? SOON. Oh and for Physics lesson!!! Haha! Damn funny la! Love(Felicia) and I play draw lots!!! We started playing that last year til now! It's a lame game, but we added some new stuffs in and it help a lot for killing time:) Don't know who lose to me lo! Don't know WHO say I love you to J. Hor hor hor? Haha! So lucky me. Teacher swop our places:( Apart from love(Felicia):( Think she is getting used to her position already:) So much people willing to entertain her, where will still need me! So that is all for today:) Yesterday I forget what I did already. I only remember trying to upload pictures but blogger being naughty with me and just won't upload a single a picture! Hehe got to do homework now! Later ah yi going back Thailand already.......... I am starting to miss her badly even though she is still here with me!!!!!!!!! I love my ah yi so much!:'( Muacks! I remember when the first few day she came, I was like:" Mommy when is ah yi going back Thailand?" Mommy said about 2 weeks later. I was shocked. Is not that I don't welcome her but she is occupying my room and I am used to sleeping alone then with my brother. But now I hope she live here longer to accompany me... I am afraid of being at home alone, you know, GHOST. I AM AFAID OF GHOST, WHO DON'T? Maybe a few.
Later once she leave, I will have to live with fears again:( AH YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:'(
Coincidence! Grr.
Picture of yesterday, hehe!
Try this out^
Teacher thinks that I will be a doctor when I grow up. Do you think so too?
Such a good idea!^